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Friday, January 11, 2008

Timeline of Toxic Mold Symptoms

Moved in July 9th, 2005

Within a month (approximately the first week in August) Tracey experienced severe joint pain similar to rheumatoid arthritis. The pain was so severe that she could not get out of bed or walk. She was also 37 weeks pregnant months pregnant at the time. This lasted for a week.

In September of 2005, Tracey began to get a rash. It started on her torso. A trip to the dermatologist in September or October of 2005 revealed that this rash seemed to be hives of unknown origin. The rash lasted for about two weeks.

In October of 2006, Caeden (14 months old at the time) began to have diarrhea. This lasted for over two months. His pediatrician felt that length of time was unusual. Food allergies were ruled out. Evan begins to have nosebleeds.

In December of 2006, Tracey had flu likes symptoms for a week with a fever each day rising to 103 degrees at times. Ibuprofen and Tylenol would not bring the fever down.

In December of 2006, Caeden began coughing at night at bedtime. More nosebleeds for Evan

In January of 2007, Tracey had flu like symptoms for a week with a fever each day similar to the symptoms in December. Caeden still coughing a night while in bed. The coughing becomes more severe and begins to last longer and occur many times throughout the night.

In February of 2007, Tracey once again had flu like symptoms for a week with fever each day similar to the symptoms in December and January. Caeden still coughing. Coughing becomes more severe and more frequent but only at night while he is in his bedroom.

In February of 2007, Caeden woke up wheezing. He was prescribed an inhaler by his doctor.

In March of 2007, Caeden woke up with severe respiratory distress, wheezing, gasping for breath, listless and lethargic. His eyes began rolling back into his head and he appeared to go in and out of unconciousness. He was rushed to the Dr’s office. His oxygen level was at 88%, two treatments of Albuteral and a steroid shot failed to bring his oxygen level up. He was sent to the emergency room and hospitalized for three days with a lung infection and ear infection. He was given oxygen all three days.

In April of 2007, Caeden got a rash.

In May of 2007, Tracey begins to get a rash. Evan has signs of a rash. Caeden wakes up wheezing, gasping for breath, listless, lethargic. His oxygen level was at 90%. Within 2 hours it was at 86%. His doctor admitted him to the hospital where it dipped below 85% several times. He was hospitalized for four days with infections in both lungs on May 21st.

John, Tracey and Evan start coughing. Evan wakes up with a severe headache. He has a fever for three days reaching to 104 degrees. Three days later he begins to cough severely. The doctor prescribes an antibiotic for what seems like bronchiolitus. Evan has regular nosebleeds now. Tracey’s cough subsides. Tracey develops a sinus infection that does not respond to pain medication or decongestants. The sinus infection last for 3 weeks. Amoxicillan was prescribed but didn’t work after nearly four days on the medication. Avelox was prescribed and the infection appears to be gone.

June of 2007, Tracey, Evan, Caeden and John have a rash. John has shortness of breath. Tracey has had rash since May 1st. Evan and Caeden have similar rash that seems to come and go. Tracey's doctor cannot find a reason for the rash. She suspects that it has to do with the house and feels as though the rash will go away if she moves out of the house.

The family moves out of the house on June 19th, 2007, and the rashes & hives go away within 24 hours. The headaches and fevers go away.


  1. I searched out this information due to the same experiences. I was looking for a time line on the symptoms. Our house had an under the slab slow leak and I was trying to dtermine how long mold had been festering under the floors before the pipe actually busted and we realized we had a problem. I went back all the way through your time line and have realized I was exposed for at least a year to have gotten to the physical problems I am still trying to overcome. I believe the main symptom I had tht really caught my attention was constant trmors in my body for over 6 months. I and my family did experience all the above also. Thank you for shring your story.


  2. في شركة شركة عزل فوم بالدمام نعمل قدر الامكان علي حل المشكلة واعطاء العميل فكرة كاملة عن الوضع وكذلك التكاليف المفترض دفعها مع العمل علي اصلاح وصيانة مكان التسرب فقط وليس البدء من الصفر داخل الحمامات او المطابخ كما نقدم في شركة شركة عزل فوم بالقصيم كافة خدمات الصيانة بعد الكشف ويشمل ذلك ( تكسير – اصلاح – ترميم ) كل ذلك بخدمات مميزة وفنيين علي كفائة عالية جدا ومعدات حديثة تضمن صحة النتائج لذلك تعد ركن نجد افضل شركة تسليك مجارى بالرياض
    للمزيد يمكن زيارة
    شركة تسليك مجارى بالخبر
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بالخبر
    شركة كشف تسربات المياه بجدة
