Please share your mold story with us. You can leave it as a comment or email it to us at We will post your story to our blog.

For those of you without a mold story, please read through the blog to educate yourself about toxic mold and the deadly effect that it has on humans and animals. Share what you have learned with others and spread the word.

Monday, November 28, 2011

Toxic Mold Story from Jennifer Y

Jennifer Y shared her story as a comment on My Toxic Mold Story...

My husband and 2 small children are going through a very similar situation. Our youngest started having breathing issues 3 weeks after moving into our new home. We had no clue what was causing it. He was only 7 months at that time. He has been in and out of the hospital and dr office for the past year. After the last major episode, about 5 weeks ago, where he was fine one night and by the next morning his O2 level was 85%!...We decided enough was enough. We hired inspectors and an attorney. Turns out the man that remodeled the house and sold it to us on a land contract did really shady work. There are fire hazards, structural hazards, and there is mold EVERYWHERE. Our walls are turning to literal mush because of the moisture and mold...he just painted over it and covered it up. We took pictures, we are having the local building inspector and fire marshal come out...and we are suing him. We moved out about 3 weeks ago and are into a new place. You can sue up to 3 or 4 times the amount you put into the home when you are dealing with situations like this. I would definitely not just deal with it. I want this man to not be able to sell or rent homes ever again. This is not his first time doing this either so I'm confident he will be paying the consequences for his greediness and disregard for other's safety. I hope you all take an agressive approach to slime buckets that don't care about your families. They need to be held accountable.